
Blog #5- Matthias Johnson

Hello, readers!  I hope everybody’s having a good summer so far!  Since the first Sunday of July fell on the Independence Day weekend this year, this July post is coming out a bit later than usual.  I know you all have been faithfully following these posts and were anxiously awaiting the next one to learn more about another character that you love.  I apologize deeply for making you wait, hope you forgive me, and thank you for your continued interest!  You are all much appreciated!  And with that out the way, let’s get on with the next character breakdown: Matthias.

Matthias Andre Johnson was born in Pottington on a very special date… October 31, 1994.  Yes, he was born on Halloween!  What a perfect day for a warlock to be born!  Matthias—Matt, for short—was the only child born from the union of his parents: Shawnette and Isaac Johnson.  Matt’s parents tutored him from a very early age, teaching him how to read and count before he even attended kindergarten.  This led to Matt always being intellectually advanced for his age.  He went to Austin D. Baltz Elementary School, where he was a part of the Talented and Gifted program.  It was during these years that he came into tennis, inspired by the rise of Venus and Serena Williams in the professional ranks.  Much like their father, Matts’ dad had no background in the sport, but chose to teach himself the sport and became his son’s coach.

Matt attended Conrad School of Science for his middle school years.  It was there that he became more well-rounded as a student, developing a love of technology and participating in many different afterschool activities.  He was always busy.  Matthias moved on to Glasgow High School.  He ran for, and won, a spot on the student government as their treasurer.  He travelled the country participating in elite tennis tournaments and won enough where there was a real question about whether he should turn professional.  He and his father ultimately decided to go to college first.  He graduated from Glasgow as the class valedictorian and was accepted into Word University on a full academic, not athletic, scholarship.

Matthias was one of the lucky warlocks to have been born with his abilities.  His mother frequently was the victim of static cling and static shock while she was pregnant with him.  A baby with the power to manipulate electricity caused some headaches for his parents, let me tell ya!  Matthias was so studious though, that he mastered his powers quite early.  Later in life, his electrokinesis grew to be able to generate a small amount of electricity from within instead of just manipulating outside electricity.

At his peak, Matthias grew to 6’1” and 190 lbs.  He has a lean, yet cut, build.  It was crafted on the tennis courts he was raised on.  He has a light caramel complexion and wears a set of stylish glasses.  Matthias has a very measured and analytical disposition.  Being an only-child, he is very responsible and independent.  He tries to remain in control of himself, never letting himself get too high or too low.  This led to him being slightly introverted growing up, which made it hard for him to act on any interests he had in girls.  He overcame this when he met Rhonda.  She became his first, and to this point only, girlfriend.

Matthias is the character that is closest to me.  He is smart, measured, and loves to learn.  I want to be clear that he isn’t me, though.  There are differences between us, just as there are differences between all my characters and me.  Matthias’s role in the story is to be the adult-in-the-room.  He’s a thinker and planner.  He is also the most knowledgeable of the four when it comes to magic, seeing as both sides of his family are magical and he’s had his magic from birth.  It’s important to make clear that even though Matthias is smart and introverted, he isn’t socially awkward.  He has interests outside of the typical “brainy” things, like sports.  He’s physically fit and therefore, desirable by the opposite sex.  Just like with Derek, I didn’t want Matthias to be a stereotype.  It’s a trope to have the smart character also be a social outcast, bullied, ignored, not particularly desired by the opposite sex.  You know the drill.  I hate that trope, perhaps because it hits too close to home for me.  Again, Matthias is the character that most resembles me.  Nice guys don’t need to finish last.  Matthias certainly doesn’t.

Next Month: Omar Brutton

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